
Tag: LimeSDR

  • Private LTE with LimeSDR and srsRAN – Part 4 (Config & Launch)

    The final part in my initial series on setting up srsRAN with LimeSDR. Having build the software, assembled the hardware and programmed a SIM. All that left to do is configure srsRAN, launch the network and connect our first mobile device.


  • Private LTE with LimeSDR and srsRAN – Part 3 (SIM Cards)

    Part three in my series on setting up srsRAN with LimeSDR. Having built the software and assembled the hardware, next we need to program some SIM cards for the mobile devices.


  • Private LTE with LimeSDR and srsRAN – Part 2 (Hardware)

    Part two in my series on setting up srsRAN with LimeSDR. Having built all the required software, this next part covers assembling the required hardware.


  • Private LTE with LimeSDR and srsRAN – Part 1 (Software)

    Working with IoT devices it’s often useful during development to have access to a cellular network simulator or private mobile network. While the setups were previously prohibitively expensive for small time users such as myself. The reduction in cost of high performance software defined radios, combined development of open-source network stacks brings them into reach…
