Hi, I’m Phil Greenland, an embedded software engineer based in south west England.
I’ve experience working on a range of projects, with a mix of technologies. Most recently within the automotive and unmanned aviation sectors, focusing on communication and IoT.
I’m always on the lookout for a challenge. Please see the summary below or scroll down for my full CV.
I’ve experience working with a wide range of technologies and always endeavour to select the most appropriate solution to the task at hand. Whether you’re about to kick off a greenfield project or need support on an existing project, I’m happy to lend a hand.
Programming Languages
Like most engineers I’ve dabbled in a variety of programming languages and always try to select the most appropriate tool for the task at hand.
Most recently I’ve been using:
- C/C++
- Python
- JavaScript
- Assembly
Recently projects I’ve been involved in have made heavy use of the following technologies:
- MQTT (AWS IoT / Mosquito)
- AMQPS (RabbitMQ)
- Docker
- TICK stack (Telegraf, InfluxDB)
- Grafana
- Vagrant
I’ve spent the majority of my time lately working on projects based around:
- Embedded Linux (Based around Yocto or Buildroot)
Recent projects have involved the use of the following hardware / interface technologies:
- Xtensa (ESP-32) and ARM (STM32) processors
- Ethernet (TCP/IP)
- Cellular and Satellite Modems
- SPI / I2C
Source Control / Continuous Integration / Process Control
I primarily use Git for source control.
I’ve experience using Azure Devops, Gitlab and Jenkins for continuous integration.
Curriculum Vitae
My CV in PDF format may be downloaded below.